Thursday 20 September 2012

3:12 PM, That Fateful Day, The Future


Once I’ve recovered from my bewilderment at what’s been going on under my nose, I start to think of what else I could do to not only prevent this from happening again but also to actually reverse this somehow and turn it into something good. I knock on Boss’ door, poker face on, good thing I’ve done as much public engagement as I’ve done biology.
‘Enter’, a voice ragged from so many cigars, says.
I stroll in, walking slowly but with a lot of determination in each step, my face calm as the most placid lake. I sit down, place the evidence in front of him, and say ‘I know everything’.
A quick glance at the documents, a split second of fear in his eyes, then that smile, that horrible, reassuring corporate smile creeps across his face as he reaches for the button to summon security.
‘Wait. Get rid of me now and soon everyone will know how you’ve been using them as guinea pigs. Let’s be civilized about this. Let’s talk business.’ My voice didn’t even shake, not once, that’s good. His hand hovers over the button for a few seconds before returning to the desk. At least they put someone clever in charge.

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