Tuesday, 4 September 2012

11:14 AM, That Fateful Day, The Future


An engineered Ebola virus with a highly augmented replication speed inside Thermobacter. And it only starts to replicate after a high temperature shock. It could have been stored like that for who knows how long, then all those people just getting their morning kickstarter wake it up. Within a few minutes, it infects their white blood cells and liver cells, knocking out the body’s defence and detox mechanisms. Within a few more minutes, the body induces its own destruction and dies a horrible death. I’d call it ingenious if it weren’t so damned morbid. If whoever made it would have focused their efforts on something that could be beneficial instead, they would probably be working in their own state-funded lab, not in some garage somewhere. The problem is that this will be very hard to contain - not everyone drank their coffee on the spot as soon as they bought it and this thing can propagate through blood and coughs, spreading it to those who don’t even like coffee. At least we've got containment teams doing their best to stop it spreading too far.. How the infected Thermobacter got past security sequencing, I can’t say. I will get a report of where the coffee  (and tea, might as well check all hot drinks) came from shortly, maybe that will elucidate things.

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